business English or a tailored individual
Total Immersion programme
designed in partnership
with IATA
Welfare and Pastoral
Academic Services: Orientation
Students new to Berlitz College are required to attend a formal induction at the College. Induction and placement testing is facilitated by the DOS or ADOS.
To prepare for their course at the College, new students need to present for induction the Tuesday before the commencement of their program. During this time between placement test and commencement of program, students are meant to familiarize themselves with Dublin, present to the GNIB for registration, open their bank accounts, and perform any other tasks needed to aid their temporary residency in Dublin.
Students must bring their Berlitz Acceptance letter and a copy of their passport to induction. A passport copy will be kept on record in the student hard-copy file.
When students present for Induction they will be asked to:
- Complete a short placement test.
- Listen to a short presentation on the location of fire exits and all health and safety regulations
- Complete and sign an enrolment form.
- Read the student handbook
- Sign forms stating they have attended induction and understand all Berlitz regulations related to Academic Year Attendance Management and the Exit Exam
The Induction facilitator will then give detailed instructions on how to register with GNIB and open a bank account and any forms required will be provided. At the end of the induction the facilitator will offer to give students a tour of Dublin City Centre and the Berlitz facility and make students are aware of any upcoming social activities. Every effort is made to make new students feel welcome at Berlitz Language Centre. Students are introduced to the Student Welfare Officer and encouraged to contact the Welfare Officer with any problems encountered.
Download Student Handbook 2019